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What is DevOps?

During this lecture, we're going to be talking about what is DevOps and of course, how it is related to building, testing, and deploying your software? It is a big first step towards automating precisely these three things building, testing and deploying. new versions of the application and the fact that pretty much sums up what they've upstairs.

But that is not it for this lecture. Let's dive a little bit more into whatever this means. So, of course, we know that DevOps is the conjunction of two words, developer and operations. But what does this mean? Does it mean that operations are now developers or developers are now part of the operations team? It's a bit more complicated than that, but yeah, basically. 

So it all starts when in a product team, the head of product, maybe inside of the product team, or someone inside of your organization decides that there is a problem instead of your application, a problem that is preventing your users from having the best experience possible. Or maybe they are ready themselves to ask for a new feature. Or maybe there's just simply a ball present within your current version. They later maybe get the idea about how they can solve this.

They get the next feature idea and you have to implement this next feature as soon as possible because, of course, you want to beat everyone else in the market and be the first one to deliver these to your users. You have to do this as fast as possible because otherwise, your users may start to just jump over to your competitor.

So it is very important that you quickly call this new feature, make sure that it beals make sure that, of course, it doesn't break anything, and send it on your user's way.

That is where their jobs come in, because that Vulpes is going to help you precisely make sure that your builds are executed correctly, and that your tests are passing, and even let you know if there are any bugs still present that you may want to solve. 

Before these hits, your users and your version of your app get deployed to the App Store. If there is any error that you should work with, you should be notified immediately and be able to work on solving that ball as quickly as possible so that when it is actually ready, it is automatically deployed to your users.

So the keyword in here is automatically this entire process should be automated. You should be able to test automatically find those bonks automatically and deploy them to your users automatically helping you focus on one thing and one thing only developing the next feature.

This is lightweight right here is essentially what helps is the automation of the development process. So once you have a new feature ready, it's easy for this automated process to do everything else for you. So instead of taking a lot of time deploying to your users, and making sure that everything works, you just jump directly into developing the next feature.

Essentially, this is whatever process, but this is not everything that you should know about development. In the next, I'm going to explain why is it that you should use DevOps in developing your apps

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